Shikoku Japan 88 Route Guide 2024 第9版 遍路地図 英語地図 八十八ヶ所地図 ぶよお堂 buyodo Naoyuki Matsushita David Moreton


定価 1,980円(内税)



Only English book must help your HENRO journey. This book are condensed so many latest information by enormous documents investigations and field works. And contains most useful information for walking pilgrims, for example food, lodging, distance and lots of ideas. The walking pilgrimage can be completed with this book. This book aims at worldwide introduction of the Shikoku pilgrimage (HENRO). The Shikoku pilgrimage includes 88 `official` temples and numerous other sacred sites where Kūkai (Kōbō Daishi) is believed to have trained or have spent time during the 9th century. If walked, the entire route is about 1,140 kilometers long which allows one to experience the abundant natural surroundings of Shikoku and presents one with lots of opportunities to mix with the local people. This pilgrimage provides the chance to reflect on one's life and to change for the better. Do not worry too much. Just take the first step and as you travel around, you will have time to reflect on yourself and obtain something from this endeavor. To people today, it is being rediscovered as a healing journey. This book is the detail with which the Japanese pilgrim envy.

The book is a translation into English of the called “Walking Henro's Bible” written by the late Mr. Tateki Miyazaki (1935-2010). During the period of economic growth in Japan following WW2, the HENRO trail was left to decay and waste and Mr. Miyazaki took it upon himself to resurrect the traditional trail. My recognition that, with no help and no intention of commercial gain, he cleared the weeds that had overgrown the trail and set up the many, many red path markers and sign posts. It is to his merit that HENRO today can make plans and walk the HENRO trail safely. I received permission from him to translate and I succeed his will respectable his will. I added it lots of idea, information, and original research from my heart and soul.
この本は、故宮崎建樹氏(1935-2010)により著された歩き遍路のバイブルとも言える本を、彼から許しを得て英語に翻訳、編集したものです。さらに、日本人向けに書かれていたその本を外国の方々がわかりやすいように遍路旅を実践できるように、たくさんの文献調査と実地踏査を日々繰り返し、考えられるあらゆるアレンジを加えてあります。 故宮崎氏は、戦後日本の経済成長時代に取り残され荒廃していた、いにしえの遍路道を復興させた方です。草の生い茂る遍路道を整備し、数え切れないほどの道標を建てるなどを営利目的ではなく独力で行われたと私は認識しています。今日、多くの歩き遍路が予定を立てて安全に歩けるのは彼の功績でもあります。

It is our hope that this book will act as a practical aid and that your journey around Shikoku will become of one of the most significant experiences in your life.
This book is absolutely necessary for a pilgrimage trip.